Humanely decreasing the number of free roaming cats in the Coulee Region.

We will work to humanely decrease the number of free roaming cats who lack a discernible owner and improve the wellbeing of cats in the coulee region through a trap/neuter/return (TNR) program. We value community members and their compassion for unowned free roaming cats and their understanding that these cats are victims of circumstance and deserving of care and kindness.

  • The best place for a cat is an indoor home

  • Cats living outdoors should not lose their lives just because they live outdoors

  • There is no ideal solution that does not have implications for people, owned pets and wildlife in the area where free roaming cats live

  • Trap/Neuter/vaccinate/Return (TNR) is considered to be the best option to have long term success with humanely keeping numbers manageable and deceasing the impact on the environment in which the cats live

  • Many cat caretakers care very deeply for their outdoor cats and work hard to make their lives as good as possible.

At Coulee Region Meow Mission, we believe:

Community Cats are cats that live outdoors with no discernable owner. These cats are likely the offspring of owned cats that were unaltered and allowed to breed or cats that were otherwise abandoned by previous owners. These cats have learned to live on their own, usually with the support of one or more caring individuals. These cats will vary in their sociability or willingness to be around humans. It is recognized that some outdoor, free roaming cats are owned and have indoor homes but are allowed outdoors for some portion, or all day, by their owners.

Community cats have a major role in cat overpopulation and are a source of concern and conflict for local residents, animal control officers, pet owners, community cat caretakers and local officials/governmental agencies.

Management options include:

DO NOTHING - usually makes matters worse as numbers become unmanageable

TRAP and LETHALLY REMOVE- shown to be temporary solution as numbers will rebound and lethal managment not acceptable to most people

TRAP and RELOCATE - this only moves the problem and is not humane as they animals are moved to areas without known food/water/shelter resources

TRAP/NEUTER/VACCINATE/RETURN - non-lethal strategy to reduce numbers, improve wellbeing of the cats, reduce impact on wildlife and improve public health and safety

Community Cats

Thank you for helping community cats!


Thank you for helping community cats! 〰️